Ram Maheshwari Logo Image
Hannah Allen

Youth Obesity and Poverty ETL

Extracted Obesity Overweight and Weight Control Data from the 2017 Youth Behavioral Surveillance System data from Kaggle.com and compared it to poverty data for US School Districts from the 2017 US Census API. Extracted and transformed the data, then loaded the data into a SQL database in Postgres using python. (Team Project)

Project Image

Project Overview

This database provides access to school district data that has estimates of youth in poverty count by state for a random sample of 100 districts in the US. Additionally, this database includes data that has the 2017 Obesity risk rate by state, race, grade, and gender for youth aged 5-17. This database has the appropriate data needed to observe the school districts that have the most youth in poverty by count and the risk rate for obesity for youths in 2017 by state.

Tools Used

Jupyter Notebook
API Interactions