The task of this assignment, was to build a web application that scrapes various websites for data related to the Mission to Mars and display the information in a single HTML page.
There were three parts to this assignment:
I completed my initial scraping using Jupyter Notebook, BeautifulSoup, Pandas, and Requests/Splinter. This had four parts: The Latest Mars News, Featured Mars Image, Mars Facts, And the Different Mars Hemispheres.
Using the Mars News Site , I scraped and collected the latest News Title and Paragraph Text and put them into two variables news_title and news_par.
by combining what was scraped and the original URL.
Using the Mars Facts Site and Pandas, I was able to scrape the table containing facts about the Earth and Mars and converted the data to a HTML table string.
Using the Astrogeology Site , I obtained high-resolution images for each hemisphere of Mars by creating a For loop that captured both the image and the title. I stored them in the img_url and title variables.
I converted my Jupyter notebook into a Python script called
by using a function called scrape
. This script scraped all of the data and was stored into a dictionary called mars_data. I connected my MongoDb and created a database mongo database titled mars_app
and a collection titled mars_data
I then created a root route /
that queried my mongo database to pass the data into an HTML template that displayed my data, using a HTML file called index.html